The recent statistics are staggering…

Within the last year, the number of vehicle accidents have increased at an alarming rate. Don’t let speeding, texting, and distractions drive you to make bad decisions behind the wheel.

Watch this video to learn more. 

The recent statistics are staggering…

Within the last year, the number of vehicle accidents have increased at an alarming rate. Don’t let speeding, texting, and distractions drive you to make bad decisions behind the wheel.

Watch this video to learn more.


Distracted driving by the numbers

5 Seconds

On average, how long people take their eyes off the road while texting. That's equal to traveling the length of a football field at 55 mph.


The estimated number of people who died in traffic crashes in the first nine months of 2022


The number of distracted driving fatalities in 2021, an increase of 12% from 2020

Drive safe, save lives

Kemper is all about protecting you. That’s why we’re reminding you to protect yourself and others. Safe travels!